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We offer a wide range of services, from demolition and design to renovation and construction, our services can be customized to meet your needs.
They usually consist of a simple steel post either anchored to concrete, cored into a hard surface, buried in the ground or secured on a Safe-locking Taper or impact recovery system protecting a surrounding foundation from damage when a Bollard is impacted. These Bollards protect utilities, electronics, machinery, buildings, or pedestrians from accidental collisions by vehicles, transport trucking or fork lifts. Since collisions can cause damage to vehicles, operators or the bollards themselves, new bollards have been created to absorb the impact energy, lessening the violence of the collision. Some are made of forgiving plastics while others are made of steel but covered with elastomer to help absorb the impact energy.
Whether it’s our quick, quality, friendly service or the honesty and value we bring to every interaction, our customers love us. We're famous for our timely, quality construction.
MJS & Sons Construction
Email: | Phone: (215) 768-2171